Naked Paint Fight - with Your Wild Truth

Jane Crane is known for her alternative way to induce self love. Fusing her passion for colour and empowering people, she brings an alternative therapy that is rip roaring good, wild, sensual fun. Jane is a Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master Healer and a Yoga and Meditation Teacher Jane’s mission is to raise the collective vibration by looking shame right in the eye and alchemising it to a higher frequency. Her high energy and infectious warmth really supports her work Jane has a unique skill set and experience that allows her to bring Your Wild Truth to you to support you in discovering your deepest dreams and bringing your magical life into reality. 
 Your Wild Truth is all about Empowerment. It's about accepting and celebrating all that we are. No longer making ourselves small to fit in with those, not yet big enough, to deal with the enormous amount of light that radiates from within us. It's about discovering blocks and old conditioning that means, all too often, the trickiest person standing in our way, is ourselves. It's about honoring the shit out of ourselves, so much so that those around have to do the same, to us and for themselves. It's about forgiveness and gratitude and raising our vibration. Spotting our triggers and learning to deal with them in a way that leads us to more self discovery and healing.
It's about recognising, accepting and supporting our shadow side. It's about understanding deeply who we are and what we want. It’s about taking action into the life of our dreams. In 2018 Jane also opened the first ever wet paint fighting studio - Your Tribe and as her two businesses flowed together this wonderful paint experience was beautifully and divinely discovered. Jane started touring the Beautiful Mess Workshop at the Burning Women Festival in 2021.
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