Carolyn, a trained Priestess and sacred circle facilitator, handcrafts unique, ethereal headwear infused with the magic of the Goddesses and the Sabbats. Each piece, from luxurious flower crowns to delicate hair ornaments, is one-of-a-kind, ensuring you stand out with an aura of individual charm.

Carolyn embraces sustainability by incorporating upcycled flowers and jewellery, giving discarded materials a new life while minimizing environmental impact. Her creations are lightweight and comfortable, designed to adorn you effortlessly throughout festivals, celebrations, or even everyday wear.

Can’t commit to a full crown? No worries! Carolyn offers a range of smaller, versatile cl
ip-in pieces and hair jewelry, catering to diverse preferences.
Find Carolyn at the festival, and let her weave your personal touch of enchantment into your attire. Immerse yourself in the beauty and energy of her creations, and discover the perfect piece to express your unique spirit.
