The Red Tent Collective 

A team of 4 women are bringing back The Red Tent from ancient cultures. A deeply nourishing and sacred space to come and honour your bodies wisdom, your wombs and your bleeds. Within this space there is much comfort, an altar, massage oils, aromatherapy, educational books, tarot, oracle cards, paints, musical instruments and most importantly other women and womb folk to connect with alongside the space holders. As a team we are trained in embodiment therapy, somatic sexology, reiki, massage, trauma informed care, womb wisdom, cyclical awareness and a doula on site.

We are available for support and some TLC for those who desire it. We believe in a cyclical and pleasure led revolution in which our bodies are seen as powerful and to be respected with the highest regard. We also believe in sexual liberation for all. Nudity is welcome, please bring something to sit on if you choose to do so. 
The answers are all inside of you. Create enough space and time to hear the wisdom within. 

You don't have to be bleeding to enter. Menopausal women are of course welcome and invited to also rest and share. Your wisdom and experience is valued and needed.